Thursday, October 25, 2007
Embarrassing Confessions: #273
The other day, as I was sitting in traffic and flipping through the radio stations, Backstreet Boys' I Want It That Way came on. I sang along. At one point there were even jazz hands.

I'm pretty sure I'll never be able to take myself seriously again.


I'm watching Giadia DiLaurentis, or whatever her name is, right now, and (ahem) noticing her cleavage, and well, that reminded me of Sandra Lee, which, in turn, led me to come back here and check in on the Sparkles household.

So this comment has nothing to do with your jazz hands. And everything to do with the fact that "cooking and cleavage" will always lead me back here.

Blogger Kristina said...

Oh my god I think I'm tearing up.

My work here is done, people.

There was one on last night, best I've ever seen. It was called Beach Clambake or something like that.
Sandra had on some kind of super-low-cut red St. Paulie Girl go-go dress, and her implants were banging around like a pinball machine for 30 minutes. And she referenced bearded clams, fish tacos and hot tacos. Then she made peach salsa by opening a jar of salsa and adding peaches.

I wanted to call you like a schoolgirl and scream "OMYGAWD, WHAT IS SHE WEARING!?!"

But then I remembered I don't know you. So I put on Monday Night Football.

Blogger Kristina said...


Aw, the clambake episode. Ole Sandy sure did have the girls on prominent display, didn't she? I know exactly what outfit you're referring to because I remember my initial thought when I saw it the first time: Now I know what Laura Ingalls would have looked like if she had been a whore. Sandra's whole fish taco angle just took it to a whole new dimension.

Unfortunately I missed the show because, like you, I was watching Monday Night Football. I was also trying to cook dinner, and it takes a lot of concentration to mash up some canned peaches and dump them into a jar of salsa. I also made beach-tinis or whatever the hell.

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