Wednesday, December 20, 2006
I Just Laughed So Hard I Think I Peed on Myself
Since it is the season for giving, I'm going to share with you the funniest goddamn website I've seen in I don't know how long.

Knowing my ignorant self, this site is probably well-known to everyone in the world but me, but in case any of you are as ill-informed as I am, do yourselves a favor and check it out. I honestly cannot remember the last time I laughed this hard.

Anyway, here's the story: A male writer who lives/lived in New York posed online as a fourteen year-old girl named Amber and proceeded to royally screw with the pervy assclowns who contacted "her." Suffice it to say that hilarity ensues.

If you're offended by sexytalk and salty language, you'll probably want to steer clear of the site. Come to think of it, you'll probably want to steer clear of this site too. But since I am unfettered by the constraints of polite society I find the whole thing hysterically funny and thoroughly enjoyable.

It is my sincere hope that the repugnant shitheels who did their best to e-seduce little Amber someday get what they so richly deserve. In the meantime I'll content myself with these stories and hope that if I laugh so hard that I pee on myself again I'll at least have the decency to do so in the privacy of my own home.

The whole site is awesome, but if you only read one, let it be this one.


Blogger Jamie said...

That is one of the funniest things I have ever read in my entire life. Seriously. That shit's worthy.

Blogger Kristina said...


When I got to the part about the glitter and the fan I laughed so hard I had a spasm and almost choked.

Blogger Newscoma said...

That was hysterical. I've been reading it out loud to anyone who walks by.
The Pure Womb...brilliant.

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